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Friday, December 28, 2007

The Arrival

Ryan (Dad)

Amber (Mom)

Suzy (Aunt)

Cathy (Grandma)

Marilyn & Steve (Grandma & Papaw)

Gary & Steve (Papaw


Kyle Ray Cook was born yesterday @4:48 pm. He is 7lbs 2oz and 18 3/4 in. long. It was quite an experience. I was admitted to labor and delivery on Wednesday night at 9:00 for a planned induction. I took some oral meds to "prepare" my body for labor. At 9:00 am on Thursday they started the pitocin drip. Not much happened. I started at 1 cm on Wednesday night and by Thursday afternoon I was only dilated 2 cm. Dr. Thomas decided to break my water in order to encourage contractions. That worked, I started having several intense contractions within 1-2 minutes apart. They went ahead and gave me the epidural at this point. God knew I was going to need it right away, because with everything happening so fast Kyle became distressed and his heart rate dropped. They couldn't get his heart rate regulated so they decided to do an emergency c-section. They rushed me off and got Ryan prepped to come in. I'm not sure what happened but they had to operate as soon as I was in the room, and Ryan didn't get to be in there with me. Within just a few minutes Kyle was out of the operating room. From this point on everything was fine. I was never happier to hear a baby cry, and know Kyle was okay.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Ready & Waiting

Kyle's Room

Ryan and I really do appreciate that Kyle has been very patient and cooperative while we have been working on the house and getting things ready. The house is remodeled and his room is finished. I don't think we'll ever have everything finished and ready, but that's how it works right. We have to have some family projects to look forward to. :)

I went to the doctor on Friday, the day after my due date, and not much had happened. Dr. Thomas has scheduled to induce labor on the 27th. So if Kyle decides to wait, it looks like that will be his birthday.

Hopefully we'll have some pictures of his to add to the blog soon!!!